BRISTOL: Antinuclear evening at Kebele
Sunday, 9th june 2013 in Bristol (GB)
Kebele, 14 robertson Rd, Easton, Bristol
6:30pm: Dinner cooked by SWAN (South West Against Nuclear) crew
7:30pm: Screening of High Voltage power lines, G(et) RID of it!
The film gives a story of grass root resistance to the power lines built to connect the French EPR in Flamanville to the European electricity market. It is a good start to discuss and share hints of how we try to oppose EDF and the energy business on both side of the Channel (someone involved with resistance to the power lines will be there) while EDF plan to build 2 more EPR at Hinckley power station. It is also an opportunity to talk about other resistances to all those schemes which work at disempowering ourselves (power stations, high speed trains, roads, etc).